My first Sabbath preaching here at the JC church confirmed what I had heard about the church  (I've not visited here previously).  It's a very small congregation!

Some might be tempted to judge the quality of the congregation by it's size - thats ok if you believe that smaller is better.  There are good people here at this church.

Others might say that our theology is flawed as evidenced by our few attenders.  You wouldn't find Elijah making that argument.  He claimed just the opposite  (1Kings 19:10).  He knew that numbers did not define correctness of doctrine.

Our small numbers only mean that we have not yet fully reached our community with the message of the purpose, the meaning, and the beauty of the Sabbath as God designed it and presented it to all of humanity.   It truly is a hidden gem! 

I believe that there is power and beauty in the message of the Sabbath.  It reveals the truth about the love of God.  It embraces God's plan for the restoration of mankind into his presence.  Sabbath is about a relationship with our  Creator God who redeems us, who transforms us, who renews us into His image.

My desire is for the Lord's blessings to fall upon the members of this Adventist church that through their connection with us others will come and join our  fellowship and embrace the blessings that come from understanding the truth about who God really is.


Here is what I need from you, members of the JC Adventist Church.  Pray for me!  Pray that through my ministry God's blessings might flow out to this congregation and to the whole community.  Pray that the lost of this community might come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


And for any who might be curiously inquiring ... come and enjoy the fellowship and blessings here at the Junction City Seventh-day Adventist Church.


"And I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, and my people shall be satisfied with My goodness," declares the Lord."    

 Jeremiah 31:14